Melbourne media has declared that Euroa’s road network as one of the worst in the state, with interviews from concerned drivers featuring on Jacqui Felgate’s 3AW Drive radio show.
Nationals Member for Euroa Annabelle Cleeland joined the popular Melbourne-based radio show to discuss the disgraceful road conditions, calling for an injection of funding following the recent floods.
Ms Cleeland estimates up to 70 per cent of the roads repaired during the October 2022 floods were impacted once again during more recent flooding in parts of the electorate, with Labor’s financial mismanagement impacting the safety of road users.
“We are in desperate need of investment back into the roads budget, particularly for the betterment of these damaged roads rather than patch-up maintenance that continues to wash away every time we have floods or heavy traffic,” Ms Cleeland said.
“The Allan Labor Government has diverted money away from our regional communities and are ignoring critical responsibilities like the condition of our roads.
“Their sole focus seems to be on unnecessary Melbourne projects that continue to face out of control cost blowouts.”
Labor has cut the road maintenance budget by 45 per cent since 2020, including a 25 per cent cut in last year’s budget.
In addition to cuts to the road maintenance budget, PAEC evidence revealed that Labor also cut $230 million from road safety programs in the last year.
“With 174 lives lost on our regional roads last year, a 29 per cent increase, there is no excuse for these cuts,” Ms Cleeland said.
“On top of this, we are seeing compensation claims through the roof due to potholes and dodgy roads. A 414 per cent increase in these claims over the last three years beggars belief.
“Drivers can no longer drive on the left side of the road, they have to drive on what is left of the road.”