With school well and truly back in action for Term 2 The Nationals Member for Euroa, Annabelle Cleeland, is encouraging local parents and carers to apply for the Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) which provides payments for eligible students to attend school camps, excursions, and sports and outdoor education programs.
In order to apply families must hold a valid means-tested concession card or temporary foster parents are eligible to apply.
Ms Cleeland said with the rising cost of living, children should not be forced to miss out on the benefits of camps and excursions.
“Every school kid looks forward to getting out of class, taking an excursion or going on a school camp with their friends,” Ms Cleeland said.
“Unfortunately, with the rising cost of living it is becoming more and more difficult for families to pay the extra costs associated with these trips.
“This fund is about ensuring children don’t miss out on these great opportunities and can benefit from the full school curriculum, both inside and outside the school boundaries.
“I encourage everyone eligible to apply, ease the burden on the family budget and keep camps and excursions accessible for children.”
Ms Cleeland said the support was crucial given the cost of sending children to school in Victoria.
“While education is often marketed as free, it’s estimated the average costs of a full education in a regional government school is over $75,000,” Ms Cleeland said.
“The cost of books, uniforms and school supplies continues to grow, even without the cost of camps, excursions and school sports.
“Not only is the cost of sending children to school increasing, but Victoria also spends less per student on education than any state in the nation.
“So many families need this support and I urge those who require it to apply.”
To find out more and apply for the CSEF visit https://www.vic.gov.au/camps-sports-and-excursions-fund