Nationals Member for Euroa Annabelle Cleeland has called on the State Labor Government to provide funding to complete the Greening Euroa recycled water project.
Greening Euroa is an innovative community driven project that will use recycled water to irrigate public green spaces during the summer months.
By using recycled water to irrigate the town’s public green spaces, the Greening Euroa Project will keep school ovals, sporting fields and parks and gardens green in the dry summer months.
Speaking in Parliament this week, Ms Cleeland said the project would benefit greatly from funding support by the State Government.
“The Greening Euroa project is something that can make a real difference in the local community,” Ms Cleeland said.
“With Euroa’s history of drought, this climate smart, cost efficient and community inspired project will help keep the local parks, schools, and sporting grounds irrigated when rain becomes scarce.
“Funding is the only obstacle behind this project being completed, with fantastic work already being done by the committee and those involved.
“The Allan Labor Government needs to step up and support our local projects.”
The Greening Euroa project is a joint initiative between Strathbogie Shire Council, Goulburn Valley Water (GVW), Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (GBCMA) and local schools and community groups.
The Greening Euroa plan will tap into the excess water from the Euroa Wastewater Treatment Plan.
With the support of Goulburn Valley Water, this wastewater will them be safely upgraded from Class C to Class B, before being piped underground to storage tanks throughout the township.
The Greening Euroa Project has been seeking $3.8 million in funding from the State and Federal Governments.