The Nationals’ Member for Euroa, Annabelle Cleeland, has met with the Vicki Forde and the Heathcote Community House to discuss the pressing needs of the community, and some of the fantastic initiatives happening locally.
The Heathcote Community House currently offers support to the local area in several ways, including increasing social interactions, education programs, activities for all ages, food relief, and help accessing crucial services through a dedicated Services Australia desk.
Ms Cleeland said communities like Heathcote often relied on these community and neighbourhood house to step in due to a lack of resources and other services in the local area.
“Vicki and the team at the community house do an incredible job in making sure those in Heathcote have access to crucial services they may otherwise not be able to access,” Ms Cleeland said.
“Unfortunately, there is significant disadvantage in the area, with high levels of family violence coupled with a lack of education options, support organisations, and opportunities for young people.
“By being a place where locals can access crucial services, get together for a chat, and learn new things, the Heathcote Community House is making a huge difference.
“Time and time again we are seeing community and neighbourhood houses step up and provide much needed support for towns where the Government often has not.
“It is so important that these crucial providers are given the funding and support they need to continue to make such a positive impact.”
One of the initiatives currently happening at the Community House is the Houses at Parliament program, which involves folding origami houses to represent the housing and homelessness crisis happening across the state.
The overall target is to fold and deliver thousands of origami houses to represent the 60,000 households on Victoria’s social housing waitlist.
On July 31, there will be 6000 of these origami houses displayed at Parliament House to represent 10 per cent of the social homes needed in Victoria.
More information on the program can be found at