The consolidation of regional health services into five major networks is cause for concern according to The Nationals’ Member for Euroa, Annabelle Cleeland, who says the announcement will fail to improve health outcomes for regional Victorians.
The proposed Hume hub, as part of the recently announced Health Services Plan, will be one of the largest in the state, combining local services including Seymour Health, Euroa Health, and Benalla Health with other hospitals extending all the way into New South Wales.
Ms Cleeland, who is the Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Health, said centralising local health services would make it harder for patients to access medical care close to their home.
“The government’s plan is a covert merger that centralises health services at larger hospitals, forcing local residents to travel to Shepparton or Albury for essential care,” Ms Cleeland said.
“But our towns have inadequate public and patient transport options that make it near impossible for everyday people to get to and from hospitals outside of their home town.
“This merger is also adding nearly 100,000 extra patients from New South Wales into the network under immense pressure, making it even more difficult for local health services to survive.”
Ms Cleeland said to make meaningful change, investment was needed directly into local health services instead.
“Instead of wasting money on more executives and bureaucracy, this government needs to focus on improving the health and lives of regional Victorians,” Ms Cleeland said.
“As things stand, people living in regional areas are already 1.8 times more likely to die from potentially avoidable causes compared to people in major cities. To bring these figures down, investment is needed in our local services.
“This new plan from Labor is not real reform and Victorians are not foolish enough to buy their spin.”
A petition calling for an end to the merger between Seymour Health is now available to sign on the Victorian Parliament website, with over 150 people signing it in recent days.
The petition has been arranged by the Seymour Health Protection Group and is sponsored by The Nationals’ Member for Euroa, Annabelle Cleeland.
“This petition is an incredible display of advocacy from Seymour residents that are understandably unhappy with what is happening to their beloved local hospital,” Ms Cleeland said.
“People in Seymour, including staff at the hospital, deserve an answer about what mergers will mean for their jobs or their ability to access local healthcare.”
The petition closes on September 9, and can be signed online at:
Proposed merger of Seymour Health with Northern Health (