It was pleasing to meet with farmers from across our region with the Shadow Minister for Agriculture, Emma Kealy, in Seymour last week.
While we talked all things agriculture, I wanted to recognise Farm Safety Week that has recently concluded.
With the end of Farm Safety Week, Farmsafe has now released their annual Safer Farms Report.
Sadly, this year’s report indicates there have already been 10 fatalities on Victorian farms in the first half of this year, more than the seven fatalities recorded in all of 2023.
For many residents of our region, farms are not just our workplace but also our homes.
They are where our families live and play, and we must ensure safety is a priority.
I am encouraging everyone who lives or works on a farming property to take the time to read the report and consider what changes can be implemented on your farm to prevent the unnecessary loss of lives.
To read the Safer Farms Report visit