The Nationals Member for Euroa, Annabelle Cleeland, has raised several questions in Parliament with the Minister for Skills and Training regarding the relocation of Benalla GOTAFE to its new site on Bridge St.
The relocation from Samaria Rd to the previous ANZ bank branch site has raised concerns among locals about the future of GOTAFE in Benalla.
Ms Cleeland acknowledged the community’s concerns about the capacity of the vital Benalla TAFE and expressed her desire to see quality courses continue to be offered in Benalla, while growing the facility’s capacity.
“There’s some concern in the community about the capacity of the incredibly important Benalla TAFE,” Ms Cleeland said.
“Too often Benalla misses out thanks to its proximity to Wangaratta, but the town is big enough to support high enrolment TAFE in its own right.”
In addition to seeking an update on when the new site would be fully operational, Ms Cleeland also highlighted the need to reduce barriers for Benalla residents in accessing skills and training.
While some specialist courses may require a bus to Wangaratta, Ms Cleeland said it is essential Benalla residents have equal access to opportunities.
“We see a bus leaving Bridge St and returning to town being offered every day to ensure students can attend courses at Wangaratta,” Ms Cleeland said.
“I look forward to an update from the Minister around the future of TAFE in Benalla.”
Ms Cleeland also congratulated the recent graduates of GOTAFE and highlighted their success in upskilling and starting new careers.
She expressed her optimism about the graduates’ bright futures.
“It was great to read in the Ensign and see online so many locals successfully completing their studies and graduating recently,” Ms Cleeland said.
“Whether it be upskilling or taking some steps fresh out of school, it is clear these graduates have a bright future.”
Ms Cleeland said she would be focused on the future of TAFE in Benalla and advocate for reducing barriers to access education and training in the region.