The Nationals have labelled the regional Commonwealth Games a con job after the Labor Government humiliated regional Victoria by scrapping the 2026 Games.
“Last week’s announcement is embarrassing for Victorians, and another massive blow for the whole of regional Victoria,” Nationals Member for Euroa Annabelle Cleeland said.
“Just three weeks ago, the Premier said the Commonwealth Games would benefit regional Victoria to the tune of $3 billion, but in cancelling the event today he said it was “all cost and no benefit”.
“What are we supposed to believe?”
With the Labor Government announcing a vague “package” for the regions in an attempt to appease the ripped off reginal communities, Ms Cleeland said it was hard to believe anything that they say.
“The Premier has offered up a vague package for the regions in what is clearly a pathetic attempt to appease the Victorians who have been ripped off by his government’s financial incompetence,” Ms Cleeland said.
“Housing is a priority for our regional areas and a patch up commitment to build just 1300 homes will not be enough, nor can we guarantee that it will actually happen.
“How can we believe that this will be anything but another blatant lie, something we’ve seen this Government do time and time again.
“With housing waitlists out of control in our communities, and this vague package set to cost $770,000 per home, more needs to be done.”
“No amount of spin can disguise this, and Victorians will still foot an enormous bill for the cost of the Games so far and the costs associated with breaking the contract.
“Labor has cheated regional Victoria once again, and Daniel Andrews has left a trail of failed investments and broken promises.
“Labor simply cannot be believed any longer as it continues to break promises because of its own incompetence.”
Ms Cleeland said the Andrews Labor Government has fallen on its sword of financial and project mismanagement – and that it is an embarrassment for Victoria and another devastating blow to regional Victoria.
“After more than a decade of investment neglect, the Andrews Government touted the Commonwealth Games as the magical golden ticket for our regional towns, spruiking the games as sign of finally committing to our country communities,” Ms Cleeland said.
“The truth is Labor’s regional games were nothing more than another costly pie in the sky vote grab.
“The Premier stated all sporting facilities would be delivered, but he dodged questions around the delivery timeframes, stating “we’ll have more to say about that” – we have been given spin, deflection and projects pushed into the never, never.
“The scrapping of the Commonwealth Games over “cost issues” is further evidence that Victoria is broke, and Labor cannot be trusted to manage money.”