My constituency question is for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, and I ask: how many accidents or fatalities will occur before the speed limit on the Euroa-Mansfield Road is finally reduced? There have been two tragic fatalities and more than 10 serious accidents, and several people have suffered life-altering injuries on this road in the past year. VicRoads and police confirmed the urgent need to reduce the speed limit in the area in August. I brought this to the attention of the minister immediately, yet it took four months to receive a response. While we were told changes would be made, today the speed limit still remains the same. I have grave concerns about these delays and the minister’s ability to make a change in a timely manner. Gooram CFA captain Michael Stubbe says:
We have CFA volunteers being called out for road accidents too often and we are not equipped for that.
The most recent life that was lost took us three hours to get her body out of the wreckage. She was just 18 years old. She hadn’t even finished her exams.
Too much is at stake for our communities. Minister, act now.