Despite being first announced in November of 2022, North East Victoria remains without the PET scanner it was promised by the Labor Government.
Northeast Health Wangaratta was promised one of the eight new PET scanners being provided across the state, yet the hospital still remains without the much-needed cancer detecting machine.
Due to a lack of machines within the Euroa electorate, the proposed PET scanner would be the closest option for patients in Benalla and other north east Victorian towns.
The Nationals’ Member for Euroa, Annabelle Cleeland, said people in her electorate were concerned about the delays.
“There are people in Benalla suffering with cancer that currently have to drive over an hour each way to Albury and back for PET scans,” Ms Cleeland said.
“When the PET scanner was announced back in 2022, these people were relieved to know their trip time would be halved.
“Unfortunately, they are still waiting for this to become a reality years later.”
Ms Cleeland, who is also Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Health, raised concerns over the delays with the Health Minister through a series of questions between August 2023 and May of this year.
“After concerned residents shared their frustrations, I asked if there was a timeline for when this scanner would be delivered – unfortunately, the Minister failed to provide a clear answer,” Ms Cleeland said.
“The most recent response from the Minister last week indicated that the delivery of the project was still in the planning and development phase, with no timeline for when locals can start utilising this essential medical service.”