It is incredibly disappointing to see that the Premier has delivered another hammer blow to producers and regional communities, refusing to reverse her decision to strip them of their right to appeal.
Producers impacted by renewable energy projects can no longer turn to VCAT for justice amid fast-tracked solar, wind turbines, batteries and transmission lines.
They have no say on what happens on their own private land, and the Allan Labor Government refuses to budge.
Regional Victorians have lost their right to say no to these projects as the Allan Labor Government steamroll renewable projects across the landscape.
We are already seeing the divisiveness and lack of community consultation that these projects can have with the Venn Energy solar facility and the Strathbogie wind proposal.
The Premier refused to meet and talk to hundreds of concerned producers, business people and families at a Bendigo rally on Friday, instead leaving a Rural Press Club lunch out the back door.
Farmers had hoped the Premier would listen to them. Instead, she hid inside and spoke about them.