The Andrews Government’s newly announced Safe Local Roads and Streets Program does not come close to replacing the more than $230 million they have slashed from annual road maintenance funding.
Member for Euroa, Annabelle Cleeland, says that the Andrews Government must do more to urgently invest in Victoria’s decaying road network, beginning by reversing their savage cuts to road maintenance funding.
“The best road safety package would be adequate road maintenance funding for state-controlled roads and local government-controlled roads,” Ms Cleeland said
“Instead of maintaining our roads properly, the Andrews Government has slashed more than $230 million from the annual road maintenance budget.”
“At $52.5 million a year, this new program cannot touch the sides of the more than $230 million stripped from roads funding every year.”
“If the Andrews Government is serious about the Victorian Road Safety Strategy 2021-2030 to halve road deaths and reduce serious injuries, they would not have gutted the road maintenance budget year-on-year.”
Ms Cleeland is also calling on all local council areas to receive their fair share of the Safe Local Roads and Streets Program with a clear and transparent process that identifies the most dangerous intersections and roads in need of upgrades.
“Daniel Andrews is picking winners and losers by providing initial road safety funding to just ten local councils.”
“Strathbogie Council estimates they need $50 million just to restore their roads to their previous condition after the October floods and underfunding over the past several years.
“All our local councils need funding for road maintenance and road safety, and they need it now.”
Road Asset Management, 2020-21 Budget Paper 3, page 329: $823 million.
Road Asset Management, 2022-23 Budget Paper 3, page 333: $592.7 million.