My constituency question is for the Minister for Housing in the other place, and the information I seek is how many more social and government housing bedrooms will be available in the Euroa electorate as a direct result of Victoria’s big build. With reports that three-bedroom homes are being replaced with one-bedroom homes and the public housing waitlist devastatingly high, there are serious concerns in my community about the availability of housing. More than 65,000 people are on Victoria’s housing waitlist; 37,000 are priority cases. One of these is Crystal, a brave single mother who has waited nearly a year for a safe home for her two children. Her nine-year-old witnessed the fatal bashing of a neighbour and has since received threats. Crystal has had to lean on family to support her where this government has failed to. Reports from BeyondHousing indicate the waitlist number could be close to double year-ago levels in my local region. In the Mitchell shire your predecessor said 27 new homes have been completed and 60 new homes are underway and in Benalla 26 new homes built and 19 underway. How many more bedrooms will be made available in my electorate because of these?